Our School

Mission Statement
The mission of St. Jerome School is to empower each child's unique intellectual, moral, social, and physical development through a safe and nurturing environment. Through a cooperative partnership with families and the community, our school provides a quality education emphasizing faith formation, academic excellence, and service based on Catholic values.
Our History
St. Jerome School was built by Monsignor Leo Hammer at a cost of $100,000 within three years after the founding of the parish. The doors of the school opened on September 1st, 1922 with two hundred and fifty pupils. At that time, there were eleven classrooms which could accommodate up to five hundred students.
The Ursuline Sisters of Villa Angela were called upon to staff St. Jerome School. Later a convent was built on the parish grounds to house the Sisters. In 1937 a four classroom wing was added to the southeast side of the school. At that time, there were fifteen classrooms available for use.
The number of students attending St. Jerome's increased during the 1940's to six hundred and fifty. The era of the 1950's and 1960's saw a great number of students attending the school. Gradually, as the number of parishioners began to decline during the past thirty years, the number of students began to decline too. During the 1970's non parishioners were invited to attend St. Jerome's. Presently there are over two hundred students attending the School.
Around 1980 a kindergarten was added. Originally there were half day classes in the morning and again in the afternoon. In 1994 this was changed to full day classes.
Within the past thirty years, several additions were made to our classroom facilities including a new library, a computer lab, and a science lab.
During the 100 years of existence of St. Jerome's School, over five thousand seven hundred students have graduated from the eighth grade. At the present time over twenty students have been ordained to the priesthood, fifty graduates have become Religious Order Sisters, and three graduates have become Religious Order Brothers. The handing on of the Catholic Faith to the next generation has been an integral Part of the Philosophy of St. Jerome School from the beginning.
Presently, St. Jerome School has a staff consisting of a lay Principal, ten full time teachers, two full time teacher aides, three part time teachers, a librarian, and one Basic Skills Teacher. It has an operating budget of over one million dollars.
The school is alive and well, and leading education in the 21st Century.​
Faculty & Staff
SJS is fully accredited and chartered by the State of Ohio.
All teachers are certified by the State of Ohio and religion teachers are certified by the Diocese of Cleveland.