Wednesday- 8:30 am | Friday- 8:30 am | Saturday- 4 pm | Sunday- 9 am
( Mass changes in effect August 1, 2024)​
Saturdays 2:45-3:30

Fr. Anthony's
Word of the Week
Should I tell you about the parts of my job I find hard, or about the things that make it all worth it. Ministry makes it worth it and the Sacraments are pure gift. I love Mass. It is so invigorating and life-giving. I am joyfully grateful I am able to celebrate Mass, every Mass and I wish it wouldn’t end. I’m thankful for every person there to pray. I love celebrating Confession. Every person who approaches me for confession or walks into that confessional brings me joy and
thankfulness. I feel His joy and thankfulness they are there. So many have no idea how Jesus so desires to make His mercy known to us. I love spiritual direction. I love sitting down with someone with nowhere else to be, to dig into their spiritual life, discern what the Lord wants and how to follow. Confessions and spiritual direction somehow give me one ear to the person and one ear to the Lord, as I am reduced to just being there. I love when I’m given the opportunity to visit the sick or hospitalized and pray with them. Even when I come to pray Last Rites with a person, it is still a gift of God’s love for them and me their priest to pray with them. I love
relationships, sharing ourselves in this bond only He can give us. I love evangelization. One of my greatest joys is seeing people’s growth in His light and grace in their life. I love witnessing
moments when someone is humbled in all the right ways, that acknowledge His goodness is so far beyond us. I love seeing someone learning new depths to trusting Jesus, as I go deeper
myself. When long days and endless tasks weigh me down at times, all these moments make me look up and say “This makes it worth it.” How about you?
The joys of ministry aren’t reserved for ordained ministers. Even as smaller parish communities, there is no shortage of ways to serve the Church, in the church or beyond these walls as the Church. All of us have some giftedness inside us that the Lord wants to draw out of us: fruits in the lives of others, to make Himself known through us. Discerning this can simply start with “What do I love doing? And what am I naturally good at?” Are you inspired to accomplish
something that can be seen, or contribute in a way that doesn’t need to be seen? Do you feel challenged to belong to a group or ministry, or feel compelled by Him in some way to lead? Others deserve the gift of who we are. Maybe we will discover more the gift of who we are, when we dare to share ourselves more. As we seek to die to ourselves through this Lenten season and fill what we are lacking, may we find “It is no longer I that live. Christ lives in me.”

Prayer to Holy Mary,
Fountain of Light and Life
Lord, from the chaste womb of the baptismal font the Church, our Mother, has given to children of this earth
a new birth as children of heaven.
Grant that through the life-giving Gospel
and your grace-filled sacraments
the Church may form its daughters and sons
in the likeness of Christ, its founder,
who was born of a Virgin Mother
as the firstborn of many brothers and sisters
and the Savior of the whole human race.
Who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen

Saints of the Month
Who are the Saints for the month of March?
St. Katharine Drexel , March 3, Patron of racial justice and philanthropists
St.Casimir, March 4, Patron of Poland, Lithuania and young people
St.Perpetua and Felicity , March 7, Patron of mothers, widows, ranchers and butchers
St. John of God , March 8, Patron of hospitals and the sick
St.Patrick,March 17, Patron of Ireland, engineers and migrants
St. Cyril, March 18, Patron of theologians and scholars
Becoming Catholic through O.C.I.A.
To any of our Non-Catholic brothers and sisters,
How has the Lord been moving your heart lately? Where is He leading you? If you or
someone you know journey towards God feel drawn towards the Catholic faith, we invite you to simply explore how you might become fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Please inquire about our Order of Christian Initiation for Adults program. (RCIA) Wherever God is leading us or whatever movement He has placed our heart is necessary to follow. We have nothing to lose in seeking to discover His will. Remember, this is not a class. This is a journey of faith, of love and fellowship! For any questions or additional information, please contact the office or
Fr. Anthony Simone at (216) 481-8200 / asimone@stjeromecleveland.org . God Bless

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Contact Us
Parish Staff
Administrator- Fr. Anthony Simone
Director of Religious Education- Marguerite DiPenti
Accounting Manager- Donna Ely
Parish Secretary- Melissa Hollowood
Office Hours
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
9:00 am – 2:00 pm